Assessing 3x More Kids in Record Time: The Impact of Group Assessments at KidsAbility

KidsAbility is transforming the long-standing issue of wait times with an innovative approach. By implementing group assessments for speech and language, KidsAbility can now evaluate children more quickly, reducing family stress and speeding up access to necessary therapy for children.
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Accessing speech therapy at KidsAbility has been associated with some of the longest wait times, hindering early intervention crucial for developmental milestones. These lengthy wait times not only caused frustration but also prevented children from accessing essential services, impacting their communication skills, academic progress, self-esteem, and emotional well-being. Recognizing the critical importance of early intervention, addressing the issue of long wait times became a pressing priority for KidsAbility.

To tackle this issue, Alyssa Polley, a Speech Language Pathologist, initially proposed an innovative solution: piloting group assessments. Through a partnership with the KidsAbility Foundation, Alyssa joined the Bright Ideas research program to develop group play-based assessments for speech. This approach, piloted in 2022, used a ratio of one SLP to three or four children, allowing for quicker and more effective assessments.

The solution was implemented in 2023, following the success of the pilot. The group assessment model was expanded across all KidsAbility sites, significantly increasing efficiency and capacity. From October 2023 to October 2024, 258 children were assessed using this model, compared to less than 100 with traditional methods. This success also led to the development of new group therapy options and multi-disciplinary assessments.

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