Launching new ideas forward

Our Missions

Look around KidsAbility and you will see mini launching pads for new ideas everywhere. A therapy session, a conversation with a parents or caregiver, each interaction with clients and families, is an opportunity to spark ideas for innovation.

Support a Mission

Be at the forefront of scientific advancements by supporting a specific mission or research project at the Rocket Discovery Centre. Your partnership can accelerate progress and bring hope to countless children and families.

Our Approach

The Research Process

Collaboration and transparency are core guiding principles at the Rocket Discovery Centre. We believe that true progress can only be achieved through collective efforts and open sharing of knowledge.

Mission Planning

Innovation starts with an idea. In the Mission Planning stage, we create ideas and start to develop them into something tangible.


Once the idea is shaped into a prototype, it’s time to test it in the real world. With a small group of people or a targeted market, we pilot our product or service to see how it performs.
We collect feedback, make adjustments, and refine our approach based on what we learn.


If the pilot phase is successful and the data supports the new approach, our researchers begin translating it into everyday practice.

Cancelled Missions

Unfortunately, not every idea is a winner, and we need to cancel our mission. The “cancelled mission” phase is the opportunity to reflect and learn from the process. We analyze the data, talk to clients and their families, and stakeholders consider what we could have done differently.
This is an important part of the innovation process, enabling us to improve our next mission.

Help us fuel groundbreaking research and innovative solutions for children. 

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